JRM is committed to providing our customers world class products, services, and unbeatable value in meeting and exceeding sensor M&S requirements.
Unreal Sensor Plugin™ – The EO/IR Unreal Sensor Plugin is JRM's physics-based, real-time spectral EO/IR sensor scene simulator, utilizing the popular Unreal Engine toolkit to load materially-encoded targets and terrain
Material Library™ – Surface optical, thermo-physical and EM material property data
SigSimSDK™ – Physics-based spectral signature & atmospherics computation SDK
SigSimRT™ – GPU-based real-time signature & atmospherics rendering
SenSimSDK™ – Engineering-level sensor-effects modeling computation engine/SDK
SenSimRT™ – GPU-based real-time sensor effects for component modeling quantities (2D MTF, detector sampling, 1/f noise, etc)

GenesisMC™ – Intelligent, semi-automated material classifier for terrain and models
Chimaera™ – Hardware-in-the-loop EO/IR scene stimulator for optical projection and digital injection
OSV™ – OSG-based IG rendering SDK, with Sample Source in Win/Linux
OSV-Radar™ - Advanced software development package for the effective creation and deployment of physically accurate and fully correlated radar applications. OSV-Radar is based on JRM’s Sensor SDK and OpenSceneGraph (OSG) to provide a fully configurable and scalable radar solution.